Gaza’s Hospitals Overwhelmed by Surge in Wounded Amid Israeli Offensive

Gaza’s Hospitals Overwhelmed by Surge in Wounded Amid Israeli Offensive

Amidst the ongoing Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip, hospitals are struggling to cope with a relentless influx of wounded civilians. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, dozens have been killed and over 1,000 injured since the offensive began on July 8. The vast majority of casualties are civilians, including women, children, and elderly residents. Hospitals in Gaza are overwhelmed and understaffed, facing an acute shortage of medical supplies. The Shifa Hospital, the largest healthcare facility in the enclave, has been operating at capacity with limited resources. Medical staff are working tirelessly to provide care to the wounded, often in dire conditions. Operating rooms are overflowing, and doctors are forced to triage patients and prioritize those with the most critical injuries. “The situation is beyond our capacity,” said a senior physician at Shifa Hospital. “We are running out of essential medicines, and our staff is exhausted.” The lack of adequate medical equipment and infrastructure makes it difficult to treat complex injuries. Many patients require specialized care that is not available in Gaza, leading to delays in treatment and an increased risk of complications. The international community has expressed grave concern over the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza. The United Nations has called for an immediate ceasefire and the provision of urgent medical assistance. However, the Israeli military continues to target civilian areas, exacerbating the suffering of the population and putting further strain on already overstretched medical facilities. As the conflict rages on, hospitals in Gaza are facing a grim reality: they are struggling to provide adequate care for the countless wounded civilians who are bearing the brunt of the Israeli offensive. International action is urgently needed to halt the violence, provide humanitarian assistance, and allow hospitals to operate effectively and save lives.Paragraph 1:

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Hazem Farjallah, a 10-year-old boy, lies injured in a Gaza hospital corridor with head bandages and his aunt at his side. He has not spoken since being injured in an Israeli missile attack on a school used as a shelter.

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Hazem has visible shrapnel wounds on his back, chest, and head. His aunt, Umm Nasser, says he should be in intensive care but lacks a mattress.

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Gaza’s hospitals are overwhelmed, understaffed, and under-equipped due to Israel’s military campaign against Hamas. The healthcare system is in a state of collapse, complicating other crises like hunger and disease.

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Despite the bombings, the war has also led to a surge in seriously injured people needing medical care, overwhelming doctors and nurses.

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At Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir al-Balah, where Hazem is being treated, there are not enough IV stands. Hazem’s aunt has to hold up his medicine packet to allow it to flow.

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Other injured people also complain about the lack of IV stands and the inability of the hospital to accommodate them properly.

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Dr. Khalil al-Dakran of Al-Aqsa Hospital says there are now four to five times more injured people than there are beds available.

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Raed Abu Youssef’s four-year-old son, Tawfik, was critically injured by shrapnel in an Israeli bombardment of the Nuseirat refugee camp.

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Tawfik was declared dead but later found to be alive in Al-Aqsa hospital. However, his injuries are life-threatening and will leave lasting effects.

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Surgeon Omar Abu Taqia says Tawfik’s brain damage will require close monitoring and that he will need to travel abroad for further treatment, as resources in Gaza are limited.

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This story is an auto-published agency feed without any modifications by News18 staff.Hospitals in Gaza are overwhelmed by wounded as a result of the Israeli military campaign. The Palestinian Ministry of Health has reported that over 1,000 Palestinians have been injured, including more than 200 children. The Israeli military has been carrying out airstrikes and ground operations in Gaza since July 8. The attacks have targeted Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, but have also killed and injured civilians. The hospitals in Gaza are struggling to cope with the influx of wounded. Many of the hospitals have been damaged in the airstrikes, and there is a shortage of medical supplies. The staff is also exhausted, and many of the doctors and nurses have been working around the clock for days. The international community has condemned the attacks on Gaza. The United Nations Security Council has called for an immediate ceasefire, and the United States has called for a halt to the violence. However, the Israeli government has said that it will continue its military campaign until Hamas stops firing rockets into Israel. The situation in Gaza is dire. The hospitals are overwhelmed, and the civilians are suffering. The international community must act now to stop the violence and to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza.Hospitals+in+Gaza+overwhelmed+by+wounded+as+a+result+of+the+Israeli+military+campaign


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