Ministry of Health Announces New Abortion Rules in UAE

Ministry of Health Announces New Abortion Rules in UAE

The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced a new set of regulations governing abortion procedures in the country. The amended regulations aim to enhance healthcare services for women and ensure the safety and well-being of both the mother and the unborn child.

Key Changes:



Abortion remains illegal in the UAE except in specific circumstances. These circumstances include cases where the mother’s life or health is in danger, the fetus is severely malformed, or the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest. *

Required Consent:

Women seeking an abortion must provide written consent before the procedure. Consent must be obtained from a legal guardian for minors. *

Medical Opinion:

An abortion can only be performed after obtaining the opinion of two licensed medical practitioners. The practitioners must confirm that the legal conditions for abortion are met. *

Notification to Authorities:

Healthcare providers are required to notify the Ministry of Health and Prevention within 48 hours of performing an abortion. *

Reporting of Illegal Abortions:

Individuals or healthcare facilities that perform illegal abortions will be subject to legal action.

Rationale for the Changes:

The Ministry of Health emphasized that the new regulations balance the protection of the mother’s health and rights with the protection of the unborn child. The changes aim to: * Ensure appropriate medical care for women facing unplanned pregnancies. * Protect women from unsafe and illegal abortion practices. * Prevent fetal harm in cases where the pregnancy poses a significant risk to the mother or the fetus.

Implementation and Enforcement:

The new regulations will go into effect immediately. Healthcare providers are responsible for adhering to the regulations and reporting any suspected illegal abortions. The Ministry of Health will monitor compliance and take appropriate action to ensure the regulations are enforced.


The new abortion regulations in the UAE provide a more comprehensive framework for addressing the sensitive issue of abortion. By balancing the rights of women with the protection of unborn life, the regulations aim to enhance healthcare services and promote the health and well-being of all individuals involved.UAE Announces Regulations for Abortions

UAE Announces Regulations for Abortions

The UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) has established regulations and procedures for abortions.

Approval Process

All abortion requests must be thoroughly investigated by appointed members. A committee of three members is constituted in each health authority, including an obstetrician-gynecologist, a psychiatrist, and a representative from the Public Prosecution Service. Consultation with other experts may be sought as needed.

Procedure Requirements

Abortions must be performed in recognized healthcare facilities by licensed obstetrician-gynecologists. The procedure must be free from medical complications that could endanger the mother’s life.

Permitted Circumstances

An abortion is allowed within 120 days if: * There are complications in the mother’s life with no alternatives to save her. * The fetus exhibits significant abnormalities that will affect the newborn’s health or life. These cases must be approved by the medical committee.

Care and Rights

Healthcare facilities must provide proper care before and after the procedure. The pregnant woman has the right to privacy and confidentiality.

Safety and Guidance

MOHAP’s guidelines prioritize women’s health and safety. Health authorities will guide healthcare facilities in implementing these measures.The Ministry of Health has announced new guidelines for abortions in the United Arab Emirates. The revised regulations aim to protect the health and rights of women seeking abortion services while ensuring compliance with Islamic law. Key changes introduced by the new guidelines include: * Expanding the legal grounds for abortion to include cases of fetal abnormalities and severe maternal health risks. * Permitting abortions up to 24 weeks of gestation in cases of fetal abnormalities that are incompatible with life. * Allowing abortions without a waiting period or parental consent for women over the age of 18. * Establishing a committee of medical experts to review and approve abortion requests. The Ministry of Health emphasized that abortions will only be performed in licensed medical facilities by qualified healthcare professionals. Women seeking abortion services will be provided with counseling and access to information about available options. The revised guidelines are a significant step towards decriminalizing abortion in the UAE and ensuring that women have access to safe and legal abortion care. They are in line with international best practices and reflect the government’s commitment to protecting women’s health and reproductive rights.Ministry+of+Health+announces+new+rules+for+abortion+in+UAE


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