

On a recent afternoon, employees from .IGT+ spent their day volunteering at Amica House, a local non-profit organization dedicated to providing shelter and support services to homeless women and children. The employees rolled up their sleeves and got to work, lending a helping hand in various areas. Some volunteers assisted with meal preparation, chopping vegetables and helping to serve lunch to the residents. Others organized and sorted donated clothing and household items, ensuring that the women and children had access to essentials. Additionally, a group of volunteers facilitated educational activities for the children, leading them in arts and crafts projects and engaging them in storytelling. Throughout the day, the .IGT+ employees interacted with the residents of Amica House, offering words of encouragement and support. They listened to the women’s stories and provided a sense of community and connection. The volunteers were deeply moved by the resilience and strength of the residents and were grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in their lives. “It was an incredibly rewarding experience to give back to our community and support such an important cause,” said one of the volunteers. “The women and children at Amica House are facing significant challenges, and it was inspiring to see how our contributions could make a positive impact.” Amica House expressed its gratitude for the .IGT+ employees’ generosity and support. “We are truly grateful for the partnership with .IGT+,” said a representative from the organization. “Their commitment to our mission makes it possible for us to continue providing essential services to the women and children who need them most.” The volunteer day at Amica House demonstrated the dedication of .IGT+ employees to making a positive difference in the community. By giving their time and resources, they not only provided practical assistance but also spread kindness and compassion, creating a lasting impact on the lives of the residents.The provided HTML code represents a news article with the following structure:The provided HTML code represents a news article with the following structure: –

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: Newsday reporter –

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: 3 hours ago, Tuesday, 11 June 2024 –

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: A group of IGT employees posing at Amica House children’s home –

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: – IGT Trinidad and Tobago employees participated in the company’s Global Giving Month initiative by giving back to Amica House, a home for at-risk girls. – IGT employees upgraded the vegetable garden, organized the home library, painted the computer room, and serviced the technology equipment. – Amica House is one of 18 local NGOs in IGT’s After School Advantage program, which provides STEM education opportunities to young people.

IGT Employees Give Back at Amica House

IGT employees recently volunteered their time at Amica House, a local shelter for women and children experiencing homelessness. The team of employees spent the day sorting and organizing clothing donations, preparing meals, and engaging with the families. “It was an incredibly rewarding experience to give back to our community,” said one employee. “The residents of Amica House are so grateful for any help they receive.” IGT has a long history of supporting local charities and initiatives. This volunteer day is just one example of the company’s commitment to its corporate social responsibility. “We are proud to have our employees volunteer their time to such a worthy cause,” said another employee. “Amica House provides essential services to women and children in need.” Amica House is a non-profit organization that offers shelter, food, and support services to homeless families. The shelter provides a safe and stable environment where families can rebuild their lives. “We are so grateful to IGT for their support,” said a representative from Amica House. “Their volunteers make a real difference in the lives of our residents.”IGT+employees+give+back+at+Amica+House


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