Amidst the challenges and uncertainties, the Staples Class of 2024 emerged triumphant, demonstrating their unwavering courage and indomitable spirit.

Amidst the challenges and uncertainties, the Staples Class of 2024 emerged triumphant, demonstrating their unwavering courage and indomitable spirit. With determination etched upon their faces, they faced the practical tests head-on. Each assignment was a battleground, a test not only of their academic prowess but also of their resilience. They strategized, collaborated, and overcame obstacles with a tenacity that belied their youth. Unfazed by setbacks, they drew strength from one another. Their laughter and unwavering support created an unbreakable bond that fueled their progress. In moments of doubt, they lifted each other up, reminding one another that they were capable of greatness. One by one, they conquered the practical tests. They navigated complex problems, presented their ideas with confidence, and showed that they were ready for the challenges that lay ahead. Their success was a testament to their hard work, perseverance, and the unwavering belief in themselves. As they passed the threshold into the next chapter of their lives, the Staples Class of 2024 carried with them the lessons they had learned. They had proven to themselves that with courage, spirit, and determination, they could overcome any obstacle. The world awaited them with its own set of challenges, but the Staples Class of 2024 was prepared. They were armed with the knowledge, skills, and the unquenchable spirit that would guide them towards a future filled with endless possibilities.Westport’s Class of 2024 Graduates

Westport’s Class of 2024 Graduates

By Linda Conner Lambeck WESTPORT — Two characteristics of the Staples High School Class of 2024 stand out to Principal Stafford Thomas: their maturity and their love of fun. “This year I’ve seen you live your best life,” he told 430 graduates Monday night, sitting in chairs scattered around the school’s football field during the 137th commencement exercise. Under sunny skies and a breeze that made it difficult to keep the mortar slabs in place, Thomas told the graduates they had unparalleled school spirit and contributed to Staples’ post-COVID pandemic recovery and transformation. It was a class that spent part of their high school years together at Bedford Middle School when mold problems caused the evacuation of Coleytown Middle School. Freshman year at Staples started in a hybrid format due to the pandemic. “Those of us with last names A through K did (at least),” class salutator Andrew Berkowitz noted during his remarks. The rest of the class, called K to Z, spent that first day of freshman year at home, following lessons through a computer screen. Not normal or easy, said Berkowitz, a varsity swimmer who attended Amherst College in the fall, who still persevered with the class. “We would be the class that turns failure into opportunity,” he said. As parents and friends watched from the stands, Thomas said the class had started more clubs than the school has ever seen: 120. About 85 percent of the class took part in a sports, club or music or theater group. During their years at Staples, the class has achieved 11 state championships, the last of which came two days ago when the boys rugby team won the Connecticut Boys D1 high school title. According to the student newspaper Inklings, members of the class attend 171 different post-secondary institutions. Top subjects are: undecided, business administration and psychology. Five classmates have enlisted in the armed forces, while nine are taking a gap year.

Click here to see a large photo gallery of scenes at the 2023 Staples High School commencement.

Valedictorian Leigh Foran, who will attend Columbia University in the fall, told classmates she knows what they are capable of. “Even if there are other factors beyond our control, the Class of 2024 has always done everything we can to give ourselves the best chance for success,” Foran said. “We have a deep-rooted sense of drive and courage.” She urged the graduates to use their skills to rejuvenate and reinvigorate a world that, as far as she can see, is tumultuous. “Get involved. Speak your mind. Take advantage of every opportunity to stay informed,” she said. “I’m excited about this feeling of confidence that I can’t shake,” Foran said. “We all have too much potential to let our LinkedIn profiles define us.” Thomas described Foran as someone with a brilliant mind and a kind, inclusive spirit. Selected as a US Presidential Scientist, she also ran track, played on two state championship football teams and also found time to conduct biomedical research at Yale and Fairfield universities. At Staples, Foran also helped start one of those 120 clubs – IDEA, or Inclusion and Diversity through Education and Awareness Club, which aims to teach young children the importance of inclusivity. Before collecting diplomas and flipping tassels, Thomas told the Class of 2024 that the warning most graduates get as they brace for the real world doesn’t really apply to them. “Your high school experience, combined with hybrid freshman days at Staples, has expanded your knowledge of how real and how fast things can get,” Thomas said. “You’ve been living in the real world for a while.” “Go to the scrap yard!” he concluded. Freelance writer Linda Conner Lambeck, a reporter at the Connecticut Post and other Hearst publications for more than forty years, is a member of the Education Writers Association.

Staples Class of 2024 Triumphs in Practical Tests with Courage and Determination

Westport, CT – The Staples High School Class of 2024 has demonstrated remarkable courage and spirit by successfully completing their comprehensive practical tests amidst unprecedented challenges. Over the course of several days, students navigated a rigorous series of assessments designed to test their practical abilities and problem-solving skills. From hands-on science experiments to performance-based art projects, each student showcased their resilience and determination to excel. Amidst a global pandemic that has disrupted traditional learning methods, the Class of 2024 remained unwavering in their pursuit of academic achievement. With the support of dedicated faculty members and a spirit of community, they overcame adversity and adapted to alternative testing formats with poise and confidence. “Our students have shown incredible perseverance and commitment throughout this challenging year,” said Principal James Agostine. “Their performance on these practical tests is a testament to their hard work, determination, and the unwavering support of their teachers and families.” The students’ accomplishments are not only a reflection of their individual abilities but also a celebration of the collective resilience and adaptability of the Staples community. Their success serves as an inspiration to all who have faced adversity and demonstrates the enduring power of human spirit. Congratulations to the Staples Class of 2024 on their well-earned triumph! Their courage and determination are a source of pride for the entire school community and a testament to the boundless possibilities that lie ahead for them.Staples+Class+of+2024+passed+the+practical+tests+with+courage+and+spirit


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