Howell Hospital’s Transformation into a Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center

Howell Hospital’s Transformation into a Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center


Howell Hospital, a reputable medical facility renowned for its comprehensive healthcare services, is poised to establish itself as a leading center for brain injury rehabilitation. With its state-of-the-art infrastructure, skilled medical professionals, and strategic partnerships, Howell Hospital possesses the potential to transform the lives of individuals recovering from traumatic brain injuries.

Infrastructure Enhancement:


Dedicated Brain Injury Unit:

Establishment of a specialized unit designed to cater to the unique needs of patients with brain injuries. *

Advanced Neuroimaging Suite:

Installation of cutting-edge imaging technology, such as MRI, CT, and EEG, for accurate diagnosis and monitoring of brain function. *

Sensory Stimulation Room:

A dedicated space equipped with sensory stimulation equipment to enhance cognitive and neurological recovery.

Expert Medical Team:


Neurologists and Neurosurgeons:

Collaboration with renowned neurologists and neurosurgeons to provide comprehensive medical care and surgical interventions. *

Rehabilitation Specialists:

A multidisciplinary team of physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and vocational rehabilitation counselors to address the physical, cognitive, and functional needs of patients. *

Case Managers:

Dedicated case managers to coordinate care, assist with insurance coverage, and provide ongoing support to patients and their families.

Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program:


Physical Rehabilitation:

Tailored exercise programs to improve mobility, balance, and coordination. *

Cognitive Rehabilitation:

Specialized therapies to restore memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. *

Speech and Language Therapy:

Individualized therapy to enhance communication and swallowing abilities. *

Occupational Therapy:

Training in daily living skills, such as self-care, home management, and work-related activities. *

Vocational Rehabilitation:

Assistance with job placement, career training, and other vocational support services.

Strategic Partnerships:


Research Collaborations:

Partnering with universities and research institutions to conduct clinical trials and advance the field of brain injury rehabilitation. *

Community Connections:

Establishing partnerships with local support groups and organizations to provide ongoing support and resources to patients and families. *

Industry Affiliations:

Collaboration with medical device manufacturers and rehabilitation technology providers to obtain the latest technologies and equipment.

Patient-Centered Approach:


Personalized Care Plans:

Development of individualized rehabilitation plans based on each patient’s unique needs and goals. *

Family Involvement:

Encouraging family members and caregivers to actively participate in the rehabilitation process. *

Patient Education:

Providing comprehensive education and support to help patients and their families understand the complexities of brain injury and the rehabilitation journey.


By implementing these transformative measures, Howell Hospital can establish itself as a premier brain injury rehabilitation center. Its commitment to providing exceptional medical care, comprehensive rehabilitation services, and compassionate support will empower individuals recovering from brain injuries to regain their independence, rebuild their lives, and achieve their full potential.Howell Hospital to Transform into Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center

Howell Hospital to Transform into Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center

On June 10, 2024, news emerged that the former Trinity Health Michigan hospital in Howell has been sold to Catholic Healthcare International (CHI). Plans are underway to convert the facility into a brain injury rehabilitation center, named after Terri Schiavo. Bobby Schindler, president of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network, announced the transformation on Facebook. According to Schindler, the center will provide rehabilitation services and other support to individuals with brain injuries. It will be a lasting tribute to his sister, Terri Schiavo, whose case sparked a national debate about end-of-life care. CHI expects the grand opening of the new facility to be in 2026. However, neither CHI nor Trinity Health have officially confirmed these plans. The hospital, located about 45 minutes west of Detroit, is expected to provide essential services to those suffering from brain injuries. Fundraising efforts are underway to support the operation of the rehabilitation center. The transformation of Howell Hospital into a brain injury rehabilitation center is a significant step in providing specialized care to those in need. It will be a valuable asset to the community and a symbol of compassion and dedication to improving the lives of individuals facing brain injuries.Howell Hospital Embarks on Journey to Establish Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center Howell Hospital, renowned for its commitment to providing comprehensive medical care to the community, is embarking on an ambitious endeavor to establish a dedicated brain injury rehabilitation center. This transformative initiative aims to meet the growing need for specialized and holistic rehabilitation services for individuals impacted by traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). The hospital’s vision for the center stems from the recognition that TBIs can have profound and lasting consequences, affecting cognitive, physical, and emotional well-being. By creating a specialized center, Howell Hospital seeks to provide a comprehensive approach to rehabilitation that addresses the unique needs of TBI survivors. The center will provide an array of evidence-based interventions, including cognitive rehabilitation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, and psychological counseling. A team of highly trained and experienced clinicians will work closely with patients to develop individualized treatment plans that promote recovery and maximize functional outcomes. In addition to clinical services, the center will also offer support and resources for families and caregivers. The hospital understands that the rehabilitation journey is not just for the patient but also for their loved ones, and will provide access to support groups, educational programs, and respite care. To ensure the highest quality of care, Howell Hospital is partnering with leading experts in the field of brain injury rehabilitation. These collaborations will provide access to cutting-edge technology, innovative therapies, and research opportunities that will benefit patients. The establishment of the brain injury rehabilitation center is a testament to Howell Hospital’s unwavering commitment to serving the community. By providing specialized and comprehensive care, the hospital aims to empower individuals with TBIs to regain their independence, reintegrate into society, and live fulfilling lives.Howell+Hospital+can+become+a+brain+injury+rehabilitation+center


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