FDA Warns of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning in Pacific Northwest

FDA Warns of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning in Pacific Northwest

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning to consumers about paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) associated with eating contaminated shellfish from the Pacific Northwest.

Affected Areas:

* Washington state: All marine waters * Oregon state: All marine waters

Symptoms of PSP:

PSP is a serious illness caused by a biotoxin produced by some types of marine algae. Symptoms can appear within 30 minutes to several hours after eating contaminated shellfish and may include: * Numbness or tingling in the lips, tongue, face, hands, or feet * Dizziness * Nausea and vomiting * Stomach pain * Muscle weakness * Difficulty breathing * Paralysis of the respiratory muscles

High-Risk Shellfish:

The FDA advises consumers to avoid the following shellfish during the PSP warning: * Clams * Mussels * Oysters * Scallops * Geoducks * Razor clams



Do not harvest or consume shellfish from closed areas.


Only purchase shellfish from approved commercial dealers.


Paralytic shellfish toxin cannot be destroyed by cooking.


If you experience any symptoms of PSP, seek medical attention immediately.

Commercial Shellfish Operations:

Commercial shellfish harvesters and dealers are required to monitor PSP levels and close affected areas. They must also label shellfish with the harvest date and location.

Recreational Shellfish Harvesting:

Recreational harvesters should check for PSP closures at their local health departments or state shellfish agencies. Never harvest shellfish from closed areas, as the toxin levels can be high even if the shellfish appear healthy.

The FDA is closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as necessary. For more information and current closure status, please visit the FDA website or contact your local health department.

FDA Warns against Oregon and Washington Shellfish due to Toxin Contamination

FDA Warns against Oregon and Washington Shellfish due to Toxin Contamination

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning for consumers to avoid eating shellfish harvested from Oregon and Washington states. The shellfish may be contaminated with toxins that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), which has already sickened at least 31 people in Oregon.

What Shellfish are Affected?

The FDA advisory applies to oysters and bay clams harvested since May 28 from Netarts and Tillamook bays in Oregon, as well as shellfish harvested since May 26 from areas around Willapa Bay in Washington. These shellfish may contain high levels of PSP toxins.

What is Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP)?

PSP is a serious illness caused by consuming shellfish contaminated with saxitoxin, a naturally occurring toxin produced by algae. Symptoms typically appear within 30-60 minutes and can include numbness of the mouth and lips, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, and in severe cases, an irregular heartbeat.

Treatment and Prevention

There is no antidote for PSP. Treatment for severe cases may require mechanical ventilation. Cooking or freezing contaminated shellfish does not eliminate the toxins.

Cause of the Outbreak

A “very large” algae bloom along the Oregon coast has resulted in unprecedented levels of PSP toxins. The toxins have accumulated in shellfish, causing illness in those who consume them.

Economic Impact

The shellfish harvest closure could have a significant economic impact on the Pacific Northwest’s shellfish industry, which generates over $270 million annually and employs approximately 3,200 people.


Officials in Oregon believe it could take weeks, months, or even a year for toxin levels in shellfish to drop. Mussels can cleanse themselves of toxins more quickly than razor clams, which may take several months or longer.

Alert Issued Over Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning in Pacific Northwest

Federal health officials are urging consumers to avoid consuming certain types of shellfish from the Pacific Northwest due to the potential for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning for shellfish harvested from areas of Alaska, Washington, and Oregon that have been found to contain elevated levels of PSP toxins. These toxins, produced by microscopic algae, can cause serious illness in humans, including respiratory failure and paralysis. Affected species include: * Clams * Mussels * Oysters * Scallops * Sea urchins Symptoms of PSP can include tingling or numbness in the lips, tongue, fingers, and toes; difficulty breathing; and nausea. In severe cases, PSP can be fatal. The FDA recommends that consumers only purchase shellfish from licensed harvesters and reputable seafood suppliers. They also advise against consuming raw or undercooked shellfish, and to ensure that cooked shellfish is thoroughly heated to an internal temperature of at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit. Shellfish harvesting closures are in place in the affected areas. The FDA and local health authorities are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as more information becomes available. Consumers are urged to check with their local health department or shellfish safety hotline for the latest information on affected areas and shellfish species.FDA+warning+about+paralytic+shellfish+poisoning+in+Pacific+Northwest


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