1. Chicago Suburb Reels After Freak Tornado Touches Down

Chicago Suburb Reels After Freak Tornado Touches DownChicago Suburb Reels After Freak Tornado Touches Down Des Plaines, Ill. – A freak tornado tore through this Chicago suburb on Tuesday afternoon, leaving behind a trail of destruction and leaving residents reeling. The tornado struck shortly after 3 p.m., touching down near River Road and Touhy Avenue. It then traveled northeast, crossing the city and causing damage throughout its path. “It happened so fast,” said resident Sarah Johnson. “I was outside and I just saw a wall of debris coming towards me. I ran into the house and hid in the basement.” The tornado destroyed several homes and businesses, including a large shopping center. Cars were flipped over and trees were uprooted. “It’s a miracle no one was killed,” said Des Plaines Mayor Matt Bogusz. “The damage is significant, but we’re fortunate that everyone is safe.” Emergency crews are currently on the scene, searching for any victims and assessing the damage. Power lines are down and roads are closed in the affected area. “We’re going to be working around the clock to clean up and help our residents,” Bogusz said. “We’re grateful for the outpouring of support from the community.” The National Weather Service has confirmed the tornado’s rating as an EF-2, with winds reaching up to 110 mph. This makes it the strongest tornado to hit the Chicago area since 2015. “It’s a reminder that even in the suburbs, tornadoes can happen,” said NWS meteorologist Scott Krentz. “It’s important to be prepared and know what to do if a tornado warning is issued.” Residents are urged to avoid the affected area and heed the instructions of emergency personnel. Anyone who has suffered damage should contact their insurance company as soon as possible.


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