AI-enhanced air conditioners: menopause mode

LG’s Menopause Mode: Enhancing Comfort During a Challenging TransitionLG’s Menopause Mode: Enhancing Comfort During a Challenging Transition Hot flashes and night sweats, common symptoms during menopause, can significantly impact women’s daily lives. To address this discomfort, LG Electronics has developed an innovative solution: Menopause Mode. Menopause Mode, currently in its beta phase, combines a smartwatch app and an LG Dual Inverter +AI air conditioner to provide relief. The app monitors body temperature, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels. When a hot flash is detected at night, it sends a command to the air conditioner to lower the room temperature. “Menopause Mode is more than just an app,” says Lilian Cavallini, Head of Creative Technology at AlmapBBDO. “It elevates the smart home experience by responding to the body’s vital functions.” This innovative technology not only provides immediate relief during hot flashes but also improves women’s overall well-being. By reducing discomfort and promoting restful sleep, Menopause Mode empowers women to navigate this challenging transition with greater ease and comfort. LG Electronics’ commitment to innovation and female empowerment is evident in the development of Menopause Mode. This groundbreaking solution demonstrates the company’s understanding of women’s health issues and its dedication to providing tailored solutions that enhance their quality of life.

Hot flashes and night sweats can seriously disrupt the daily lives of women in (peri)menopause, causing discomfort and sleep problems. LG Electronics’ Menopause Mode offers relief and comfort.

Menopause Mode, currently in beta, uses a smartwatch app to monitor body temperature, heart rate and blood oxygen levels. When a hot flash is detected at night, the app sends a command to a connected LG Dual Inverter +AI air conditioner to lower the temperature in the room.

“It’s not just an app that improves women’s well-being. Menopause Mode takes the smart home to the next level. For the first time, it responds to the body’s vital functions,” says Lilian Cavallini, Head of Creative Technology at AlmapBBDO.


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