White House defends Biden’s mental acuity: ‘As sharp as ever’

Standing before a crowded room of reporters, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre assured the American public that President Joe Biden is “sharper than ever” despite concerns raised after his debate performance.Standing before a crowded room of reporters, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre assured the American public that President Joe Biden is “sharper than ever” despite concerns raised after his debate performance. “This is a president who is strong and determined to deliver for the American people,” Jean-Pierre said. When asked if she had observed any “delays” in Biden’s performance, Jean-Pierre replied, “I see a president who engages with us. He wants to know, he pushes us, he goads us—he wants the bigger picture of what we’re trying to explain to him, or even granular details.” In a follow-up question, Jean-Pierre was asked if Biden was indeed as sharp as ever. She insisted, “He is as sharp as ever, as I have known him in my engagement, in my experience with him.” Since the first debate of 2024, in which Biden appeared fatigued and struggled to articulate his thoughts, the Biden team has offered various excuses, including a cold and jet lag. During an interview on MSNBC, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed concerns, saying, “Both candidates are obligated to take whatever test you want them to take, in terms of their mental acuity and their health.” Jean-Pierre emphasized that Biden’s administration has been transparent about his health, releasing thorough medical reports each year. However, she stated that a cognitive test is not warranted at this time. Amidst these concerns, several former Democratic leaders have called on Biden to withdraw from the presidential race. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) said, “The president failed to effectively defend his many accomplishments and expose Trump’s many lies.”

Standing in front of a In a room packed with reporters eagerly awaiting an update on President Joe Biden after his debate debacle, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre assured the American public that he is “sharper than ever.”

When asked during a press conference on Wednesday if she had seen any “delays,” Jean-Pierre replied: “What I can say is that this is a president who is strong and determined to deliver for the American people.” The press secretary then listed the bare minimum expected of the country’s leader, adding: “I see a president when I sit in front of him, going over his day or talking about what he’s going to do next. He’s someone who engages with us. He wants to know, he pushes us, he goads us — he wants the bigger picture of what we’re trying to explain to him, or even granular details.”

In a follow-up question, Jean-Pierre was asked if he was indeed as sharp as ever. The press secretary insisted: “He is as sharp as ever, as I have known him in my engagement, in my experience with him. And I know that when I walk into the Oval Office or see him on Air Force One, I have to be at the top of my game.”

Since last week’s first debate of 2024, in which the president appeared fatigued and failed to muster a variety of thoughts in front of Donald Trump, the Biden team has offered a litany of excuses. From “President Biden has a cold” to claims of a bad case of jet lag, the president’s allies have rushed to explain away his poor performance on stage.

Tuesday, during an interview on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell reportsHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said it was “legitimate” to ask whether Biden’s performance was just an “episode” or a “condition,” adding: “Both candidates are obligated to take whatever test you want them to take, in terms of their mental acuity and their health.”

In response to Pelosi’s comments, Jean-Pierre insisted that Biden’s administration has been transparent about his health. “We’ve released thorough reports from his medical team every year since he’s been in office. That’s something we’ve been pretty consistent about,” she said. “In terms of, you know, something like a cognitive test, to the question you’re asking me about what the speaker – the former speaker – said – she can speak for herself, of course. His team has said – the medical team said it’s not warranted in this case. We’ve filed a thorough, transparent annual report on his health. So, they’ve said it’s not warranted.”


Editors’ Choice

Several former Democratic leaders have called on Biden to withdraw from the presidential race. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) was the first current Democratic lawmaker to call on the president to withdraw, issuing a statement Tuesday asking him to “make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw.”

“Through a life of public service, President Biden has accomplished much for our country, both at home and abroad,” Doggett wrote. “I had hoped the debate would provide some momentum to change that. It didn’t. Instead of reassuring voters, the president failed to effectively defend his many accomplishments and expose Trump’s many lies.”


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