San Diego Swelters Under Record-Breaking Heat Wave

San Diego Swelters Under Record-Breaking Heat WaveSan Diego Swelters Under Record-Breaking Heat Wave Extreme heat has gripped San Diego County, shattering records and creating dangerous conditions for residents. On Tuesday, July 25, the National Weather Service (NWS) recorded a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit at Lindbergh Field, breaking the previous record of 103 degrees set in 1960. The heat wave, which began on Monday, is expected to persist through the week, with temperatures forecast to remain in the triple digits. The NWS has issued an excessive heat warning for San Diego County, warning of potential health hazards such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and dehydration. San Diegans are advised to stay indoors as much as possible, drink plenty of fluids, and avoid strenuous activity during the hottest hours of the day. Cooling centers have been opened throughout the county to provide refuge for those without air conditioning. The heat wave has also impacted air quality, with the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) issuing a smog alert. Particulate matter levels are expected to be elevated due to high temperatures and stagnant air, posing a risk to those with respiratory conditions. Emergency responders have reported an increase in heat-related calls, including heat stroke and dehydration. Hospitals are also experiencing a surge in patients seeking treatment for heat-related illnesses. Local authorities are urging residents to take precautions to stay safe during the heat wave. They recommend wearing loose, light-colored clothing, drinking plenty of water, and seeking shade whenever possible. Pets should also be protected from the heat and provided with ample water and shade. The heat wave is expected to subside over the weekend, but temperatures will remain above average next week. San Diego County residents are advised to continue monitoring weather forecasts and taking necessary precautions to protect themselves from the heat.


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