Portland Shocker: City Council Votes to Ban Pet Hamsters

Portland Shocker: City Council Votes to Ban Pet HamstersPortland Shocker: City Council Votes to Ban Pet Hamsters In a stunning turn of events, the Portland City Council has voted unanimously to ban pet hamsters within city limits. The ordinance, which passed on a 5-0 vote, went into effect immediately and applies to all residents, businesses, and organizations. According to Council President Jo Ann Hardesty, the decision was made after months of deliberation and public feedback. She cited concerns about the animals’ welfare, potential health risks, and environmental impact. “Hamsters are solitary animals that can become stressed and anxious when kept in captivity,” Hardesty said. “They also have specific nutritional and environmental needs that can be difficult to meet in a home setting.” The ordinance specifically prohibits the keeping, raising, breeding, or selling of hamsters within Portland. Existing hamster owners are given 30 days to rehome their animals or face potential fines. The Oregon Humane Society expressed “deep disappointment” about the ban, saying it infringes on the rights of responsible pet owners. However, the Portland Animal Welfare League has supported the ordinance, claiming that hamsters are often neglected and abandoned. Assistant City Veterinarian Dr. Susan Marsh warned of potential health concerns associated with hamster ownership. She cited studies linking hamsters to salmonella outbreaks and the spread of respiratory infections. Environmental advocates also weighed in on the ban, citing the fact that hamsters are introduced species that can compete with native wildlife for food and habitat. The ban has sparked mixed reactions among Portland residents. Some have praised the city council for taking a bold stand for animal welfare, while others have criticized it as excessive and unnecessary. Local pet stores have reported a surge in hamster sales as owners rush to acquire the animals before the ban takes effect. Hamster breeders have also expressed concerns about the impact on their livelihoods. The ban on pet hamsters is the latest in a series of animal-related ordinances passed by the Portland City Council. In 2020, the council voted to ban declawing of cats, and in 2021, it passed a resolution to make Portland a “cat-friendly city.”


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