Double birth for sisters Michelle Hilferty and Monica Hogan


Michelle Hilferty and Monica Hogan with Ryan and Anthony.

Image via Main Line Health

Michelle Hilferty and Monica Hogan with Ryan and Anthony.

A remarkable turn of events resulted in two Drexel Hill sisters having newborn boys just hours apart, writes Michael Lee Simpson for People.

Michelle Hilferty and Monica Hogan, who both live on the same street, gave birth on June 26, 2023, at Lankenau Medical Center, in rooms next to each other.

Hogan’s baby son Ryan was born at 5:57 a.m. Hilferty’s son Anthony arrived at 8:50 p.m.

“It’s just going to be exciting to see the friendships they make and the bond they have,” Hilferty told CBS station KYW-TV.

Hilferty had a scheduled induction in a few days when she visited her older sister who had just given birth, KYW-TV reports.

“I actually had my induction scheduled for our due date which was Friday,” Hilferty told the station.

A few hours later she was back at the hospital to give birth.

A spokesperson for Main Line Health wrote in a social media post that the sisters are attuned to each other and “are not novices when it comes to coincidences.”

Apparently, Hogan’s 4-year-old son was born on her birthday.

Hilferty’s 2-year-old daughter was born on her grandfather’s birthday.

Read more about sisters Michelle Hilferty and Monica Hogan in People.

Publisher’s Note: This post first appeared on DELCO Today in July 2023.


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