Volunteers from the “Touch The Earth Garden Club” beautify Grand Blanc

In the heart of Grand Blanc, Michigan, a vibrant tapestry of colors unfurls in the form of meticulously cultivated gardens. At the helm of this horticultural masterpiece is the “Touch The Earth Garden Club,” a group of dedicated volunteers who pour their hearts and souls into beautifying their community and fostering the well-being of nature.In the heart of Grand Blanc, Michigan, a vibrant tapestry of colors unfurls in the form of meticulously cultivated gardens. At the helm of this horticultural masterpiece is the “Touch The Earth Garden Club,” a group of dedicated volunteers who pour their hearts and souls into beautifying their community and fostering the well-being of nature. At the Center Point Garden, a symphony of blooms unfolds, guided by the knowledgeable hands of Brenda Von Linsowe, a volunteer master gardener. With precision, she tends to alliums and cosmos, bringing life to vibrant bouquets that adorn the city. “These gardens are a labor of love,” she proclaims, her shovel serving as a symbol of her unwavering dedication. Through their tireless efforts, these volunteers create an oasis of tranquility, offering respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life. They nurture plants with the utmost care, ensuring their year-round beauty. In addition to the Center Point Garden, the club oversees four other gardening initiatives throughout Grand Blanc, bringing verdant splendor to Rust Park and enriching the streets with vibrant blooms. Their unwavering commitment has earned the respect and gratitude of residents, businesses, and city officials alike. Their gardens evoke smiles, elicit honks of appreciation, and serve as a source of inspiration for passersby. Beyond visual appeal, these gardens play a vital role in promoting biodiversity and supporting pollinators, contributing to the overall health of the local ecosystem. As Dan Andrews, president of Center Point Garden, observes, “People drive by, give us a thumbs up, and express their appreciation. When we see how much our work means to our community, we know we’ve made a difference.” The legacy of the “Touch The Earth Garden Club” extends beyond its gardens. Through field trips and educational initiatives, they empower aspiring gardeners and share their knowledge with future stewards of the environment. Their passion for horticulture continues to inspire, leaving a lasting impact on the community they so deeply cherish. So, the next time you find yourself in Grand Blanc, take a moment to admire the beauty of these gardens. Know that they are a testament to the unwavering dedication of the volunteers who work tirelessly to bring joy, harmony, and a touch of nature’s magic to the heart of their city.

Grand Blanc, MICH — Dozens of people in Grand Blanc are putting their feet and garden tools in the ground to provide us with a beautiful spectacle.

Their work is done with love for the community and to help nature.

“These are alliums and these are cosmos, a summer perennial flower,” said Brenda Von Linsowe, volunteer master gardener.

The colorful bouquets come from the carefully curated Center Point Garden in Grand Blanc.

“The project was really intended to be a garden for all seasons,” said Daniel Andrews, president of Center Point Garden.

Here you will find dozens of volunteers who put into practice what they learn and know.

“My pride and joy is my shovel. This shovel is like no other,” Brenda added.

They use their trusted tools and whatever else is needed to bring the flowers and plants to life and monitor them all year round.

Nearly 60 volunteers are part of the “Touch The Earth Garden Club” and they oversee five different gardening projects in the city of Grand Blanc.

“We also do another garden project in Rust Park, just around the corner and straight down Saginaw Street, by the clock, we do the Clock Garden,” said Debbie Glasstetter, president of “Touch The Earth Garden Club.”

The city, local businesses and residents of Grand Blanc often show their appreciation for the work of the volunteers through donations and kind words.

“A lot of people say thank you so much for what we do. And then we know we’ve made a difference,” Debbie added.

“And people drive by and they honk and they give it a thumbs up and they just appreciate it and enjoy the beauty of it,” Dan said.

In addition to the rainbow of colours, the work to make the gardens look as beautiful as possible also provides long-term benefits.

“You see how many flowers there are in Grand Blanc. The baskets are beautiful. There are flowers on the ground. The Township is planting flowers now. It’s good for everyone. It’s good for our pollinators,” Brenda said.

The next time you drive through Grand Blanc, remember that the gardens are a gift from many people who care about you.

“Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives that we miss the beauty around us and just look at the colors, the textures, the contrast and then we can step back, take a deep breath and think, wow,”

The club is still going strong after 30 years and is always looking for new members, whether you are an experienced gardener or just starting to learn.

To get involved, visit the Touch The Earth Garden Club Facebook page. The club even organizes field trips to learn how to become even better gardeners.

Email us at: [email protected] or call (810) 247-1276 and tell us about local heroes in our Mid-Michigan communities.


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