Retired teachers fill shortage without fine

Law Allows Retired Teachers to Return to Classroom Amidst ShortageLaw Allows Retired Teachers to Return to Classroom Amidst Shortage A new law that allows retired teachers to be rehired during a severe shortage has recently taken effect. This legislation ensures that teachers will not face any suspension or reduction in their pension benefits if they choose to return to the classroom. Conditions for Rehire The law outlines specific conditions under which a teacher can return to work: * There must be vacancies for individuals with a severe shortage, including both full-time and part-time positions. This includes teachers, speech therapists, and school counselors. * Retirees and their employers must contribute to the pension system during the re-employment period. * No additional years of service or pension benefits will be accrued during this time. For more detailed information, visit the Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana website.

Press release

A new law that allows retired teachers to be rehired during a severe shortage is now in effect. Teachers will not risk having their pension benefits suspended or reduced if they return to the classroom. The legislation outlines the conditions under which a teacher can return to work.

  • There are vacancies for people with a serious shortage, both full-time and part-time. Think for example of teachers, speech therapists and school counselors.
  • Retirees and their employers contribute to the pension system during their re-employment, but no additional years of service or pension benefits are accrued during this period.

For full details and information, visit the Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana website.


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