Campany Family Builds Business and Life in Cranberry Lake –

Within the paragraphs and divs of this text, we find a heartwarming account of the Campany family and their journey to Cranberry Lake. The narrative unfolds through a series of questions and responses, revealing their motivations for relocating, their aspirations for the future, and the challenges and rewards they have encountered in their new community.Within the paragraphs and divs of this text, we find a heartwarming account of the Campany family and their journey to Cranberry Lake. The narrative unfolds through a series of questions and responses, revealing their motivations for relocating, their aspirations for the future, and the challenges and rewards they have encountered in their new community. Arrival and Motivation: In May 2017, the Campany family, consisting of Ashley, Ray, Cole, Jonathan, and Kyleigh, arrived in Cranberry Lake seeking a peaceful and nurturing environment for their children. They were drawn to the small-town charm, the tranquility of nature, and the sense of safety it offered. Professional Pursuits: Upon arriving in Cranberry Lake, Ray initially worked for Richards Logging before co-founding Campany Diesel with Ashley in 2022. Ashley previously held positions as a school bus driver and at Richards Logging. Their decision to venture into entrepreneurship stemmed from a desire to create a sustainable income source and to prioritize family time. Community Involvement: The Campanys actively engage in volunteer work within their community. Ashley has joined the Fireman’s Ladies’ Auxiliary, while the children assist with the food bank. Ray contributes his time to the Cranberry Lake Mountaineers Snowmobile Club and maintains the HUB lawn. Inspirations: Within the Cranberry Lake community, the Campanys find inspiration in the individuals who work tirelessly to support one another. Ashley admires her neighbor and the dedication of June McWharf. Ray draws inspiration from successful local families and the spirit of collaboration that prevails among year-round residents. Memorable Experiences and Future Aspirations: The family cherishes moments spent swimming in the lake, exploring the trails on their golf cart, and simply enjoying time together. For the future, they envision expanding their business, creating more job opportunities within the community, and building a garage to enhance Ray’s work environment. Overall, the Campany family’s story highlights the power of community and the importance of finding a place where one can both contribute and thrive. Their unwavering commitment to Cranberry Lake and their desire to invest in its future serve as an inspiration to those around them.

The Campany family.

Adirondack Almanack contributor Susan Sweeney Smith, who has written stories about Cranberry Lake, has shared a series of profiles highlighting community leaders in the Cranberry Lake/Clifton Fine area who dedicate significant amounts of their time and energy to volunteer work. Enjoy a profile on the Campany Family — Ashley, Ray, Cole, Jonathan, Kyleigh — who have two dogs, Bear and Daisy Mae, below.

What brought you to Cranberry Lake? When? May 2017.

Ray: I grew up in Carthage and we arrived here in a car a Chevy Traverse actually. We were both fresh off active duty in the Navy.

We wanted a small town, quiet, safe for the kids. We looked everywhere for houses and came across the house where we live now.

Ashley: I wanted to live in nature, a small community. Small was really important. I wanted a great place to settle down and build a life. We do that every day.

Jonathan: We found it on the GPS and pulled into the driveway and I thought it needed work but it would do for now. We’ve been working on it since we moved here I have learned to sandblast, plumb, pickle and help with electrical work. It is also fun to build family fires and go fishing and just hang out with our neighbors.

Cabbage: I wanted to replace the floor and lay a lawn for our dog.

Kyleigh: My first reaction was that maybe things would turn out fine here.

When you came here, did you think you would stay here?

Ashley: Absolutely. We’ve been everywhere and moved a lot. This is our place.

What were your first jobs here?

Ray: I worked for Richards Logging for seven years then we decided to start our own business In 2022, we took the big step and founded Campany Diesel.

We won’t lie. It’s a challenge, but we’re up for it.

Ashley: I worked for two years as a school bus driver at Clifton-Fine. Then I worked for four years at Richards Logging. And here we are with our own company.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Ashley: First of all, being a mother is my job. And we realized that our time was valuable and it might as well be valuable to us. If we don’t value ourselves, who will value us?

Ray: I was tired of working for everyone. I wanted to run a great customer-focused company that was worth what people paid for. I wanted to be proud of what I had built with my family and show the kids a better way to live.

What are the biggest challenges you face in your career?

Ashley: We work hard to build a sustainable customer base. Ray works all over the North Country, so he travels a lot of miles to serve where he is needed. I do all the paperwork, so setting up functional systems took some time and effort.

Ray: Making sure every machine and customer gets my undivided 100% attention. My biggest concern every day is, “Am I doing my best for my customers and my family?”

What were the biggest challenges for you in creating a good life in such a small town?

Ray: The isolation is a challenge. We have to make sure that the one hour trip to the supermarket (one way) covers everything we need. We have to budget our time and energy because everything is an hour away.

Ashley: We have chosen to homeschool our children and it is a bit of a balancing act with the business. We want our children to have the right morals and values ​​and we don’t think modern education provides that.

Describe your volunteer work:

Ray: I do everything Ashley tells me to do. Right now I’m busy tending to the HUB lawn and pressure washing and staining the picnic tables.

Ashley: I just joined the Fireman’s Ladies’ Auxiliary and the kids and I work at the food bank, trying to help anyone who needs help.

Who inspires you here?

Ashley: My neighbor is awesome but she will kill me if I tell her who she is. June McWharf is just awesome. I am amazed at how everyone works together. Cathy Gill at Windfall is a master canner and her food is amazing. Karen Soltau volunteers a lot and I appreciate her so much.

Ray: Almost everyone who is here all year round. We all take care of each other and do what needs to be done. from the fire station to bringing a meal to a senior citizen. I also enjoy working with the Cranberry Lake Mountaineers Snowmobile Club. I see successful local families running businesses and I am now one of them.

What are your fondest memories of Cranberry?

Ashley: When our kids could jump off the boat into the middle of the lake and actually swim. Definitely the biggest mom moment. The day we took the plunge and started the business.

Ray: Everything every day is magic. Making sure our kids are good people by spending time with them in every way possible. Knowing my business will grow to support my family and be there when they want to take over.

Cabbage: My favorite activity is playing outside and hanging out with my mom and dad. I like to help my dad work in the HUB and pick up trash.

Jonathan: My favorite thing to do is swimming and riding our golf cart on the trails behind our house. I like to do everything with my mom and dad, but mostly with my dad.

Kyleigh: My favorite thing to do is swimming and making art. I am happy to help out at the HUB this summer.

What do you hope for the future here?

Ashley: We hope to build a garage so Ray can work from home more easily and not have to work outside in the winter.

Ray: We want to make enough money to invest in the community. I would like to build a store and create more jobs in our community.

We want our time to matter. It does here.

The photo above is by Susan Sweeney Smith.


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