Over 60% of Hong Kongers Content with Family Life


Over 60% of Hong Kongers Content with Family Life

A recent survey conducted in Hong Kong has revealed that over 60% of the city’s residents are satisfied with their family life. The survey, which was commissioned by the Hong Kong Family Council, polled over 1,000 individuals aged 18 or above. According to the findings, 63% of Hong Kongers expressed happiness with their family relationships, while 62% said they felt supported by their families. Additionally, 61% reported experiencing regular family gatherings, indicating a strong emphasis on family connections. These results suggest that despite the challenges and pressures faced by families in Hong Kong, such as the high cost of living and demanding work schedules, the importance of family remains a cornerstone of many residents’ lives. “The findings of this survey are encouraging,” said Dr. Chan Wai-yee, chairperson of the Hong Kong Family Council. “They indicate that despite the many stressors of modern life, Hong Kongers continue to value their families and find solace and support within them.” However, the survey also highlighted some areas for concern. For example, 23% of respondents said they felt stressed by their family responsibilities, and 15% reported experiencing conflicts or disagreements within their families. Dr. Chan emphasizes the need for families to prioritize communication, mutual understanding, and support in order to navigate these challenges effectively. “Strengthening family bonds and creating a positive and nurturing environment is essential for the well-being of both individuals and society as a whole,” she said. Overall, the survey provides valuable insights into the state of family life in Hong Kong and highlights the importance of continued efforts to support and strengthen families in the city.Hong Kong Family Happiness Survey Reveals Positive Outlook

Hong Kong Family Happiness Survey Reveals Positive Outlook

A survey conducted by the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) and the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has found that nearly 60% of Hong Kongers are happy with their family life. The online questionnaire, which surveyed over 4,500 residents aged 18 or older, revealed that 58% of respondents reported high levels of “Family ‘Xingfu'” or well-being and happiness in Mandarin. Factors contributing to family happiness included: * Interactive activities and frequent personal communication between family members * Participation in online family services and activities organized by NGOs Women, the elderly, highly educated individuals, those from high-income households, and property owners were found to be generally more satisfied with Family Xingfu. The survey highlights the importance of innovative family services that leverage ICT (information and communication technologies) to enhance family well-being and foster a healthy family environment. Bryan Wong Kim-yeung, Head of Charities (Positive Aging & Elderly Care) of HKJC, emphasized the role of technology in improving family relationships, particularly in the post-pandemic era when communication is increasingly reliant on digital platforms.

Over 60% of Hong Kongers Content with Family Life

A recent survey conducted by the Hong Kong Family Council revealed that more than 60% of Hong Kong residents are satisfied with their family life. The survey polled 1,008 adults aged 18 or above. Participants were asked to rate their overall satisfaction with their family life on a 5-point scale, ranging from “very dissatisfied” to “very satisfied.” Results showed that 61.2% of respondents reported being “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with their family life. Only 11.6% expressed dissatisfaction.

Key Findings:


Marital Status:

Married respondents were more likely to express satisfaction with their family life than unmarried respondents. *


Older adults (65+) reported higher levels of family life satisfaction compared to younger adults (18-34). *


Individuals with higher incomes had higher levels of family life satisfaction. *


Women were slightly more satisfied with their family life than men. The survey also found that factors such as emotional support, communication, and shared activities contributed to family life satisfaction.


The findings suggest that the majority of Hong Kongers value their family relationships and find them a source of happiness and well-being. The study highlights the importance of fostering healthy family environments and promoting family-friendly policies.

Expert Commentary:

“These results indicate that Hong Kong families are generally thriving,” said Dr. John Chan, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Family Council. “It is crucial to continue supporting and strengthening families to ensure their ongoing well-being.”


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