Udupi: Lombard Memorial Hospital Embarks on ‘INSPIRE’ Green Hospital Initiative


Udupi: Lombard Memorial Hospital Embarks on ‘INSPIRE’ Green Hospital Initiative

Udupi’s Lombard Memorial Hospital has taken a significant step towards environmental sustainability with the launch of its ‘INSPIRE’ Green Hospital project. The initiative aims to reduce the hospital’s ecological footprint while promoting health and well-being.


The acronym ‘INSPIRE’ stands for the following five key areas of focus: *


nfrastructure: Implementing energy-efficient practices and sustainable building materials. *


atural Resources: Conserving water and electricity, reducing waste, and promoting recycling. *


ociety: Engaging the community in environmental stewardship programs. *


atient Care: Creating a healthy and environmentally friendly environment for patients and staff. *


ndividual Responsibility: Empowering employees and patients to adopt green practices.

Key Components

The ‘INSPIRE’ project includes several innovative components: * Installation of solar panels to generate renewable energy. * LED lighting and energy-efficient appliances to reduce electricity consumption. * Rainwater harvesting systems to conserve water. * Waste segregation and recycling initiatives to minimize landfill waste. * Green landscaping to improve air quality and create a serene ambiance. * Staff and patient education programs on environmental sustainability.


The ‘INSPIRE’ Green Hospital project is expected to yield numerous benefits, including: * Reduced carbon emissions and energy costs. * Improved air and water quality for patients and staff. * Enhanced patient experience and satisfaction. * Positive community impact through environmental stewardship. * Reduced operational expenses and increased sustainability.

Inspiration and Implementation

The ‘INSPIRE’ project was inspired by the hospital’s commitment to environmental responsibility and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The implementation is being carried out in phases, with the first phase focusing on energy efficiency and waste management. Dr. Priscilla D’Sa, Medical Superintendent of Lombard Memorial Hospital, expressed her enthusiasm for the initiative. “We believe that a healthy environment is essential for a healthy society, and we are committed to doing our part to make Udupi a more sustainable place,” she said. The ‘INSPIRE’ Green Hospital project is a significant milestone in Lombard Memorial Hospital’s journey towards sustainability. It serves as a model for other healthcare institutions to embrace eco-friendly practices and contribute to the well-being of their communities and the planet.CSI Lombard Memorial Hospital Launches ‘INSPIRE’ Green Hospital Project

CSI Lombard Memorial Hospital Launches ‘INSPIRE’ Green Hospital Project

Udupi, June 13: To mark the 101st anniversary of the CSI Lombard Memorial (Mission) Hospital (LMH), the hospital will launch ‘INSPIRE’, a green hospital project, on June 15.

Project Goals:

* Reduce carbon footprint and climate resilience * Environmental impact * Leadership * Cost savings * Health benefits * Community involvement

Project Plan:

* Installation of solar panels to provide renewable energy * Implementation of various green initiatives

Inauguration Ceremony:

* Hemachandra Kumar, Bishop of Southern Diocese of CSI Karnataka, will inaugurate the solar panel installation. * Dr. Ishwar Gadad, Udupi District Health Officer, will be the chief guest. * Guests of honor include Nagaland musician Nise Meruno and CSI Area Chairman Ivan Soans.


* Renewable energy source * Reduced operating costs * Improved air quality * Enhanced community well-being

Press Meet Attendees:

* Sushil Jathanna, Director, Mission Hospital * Deena Prabhavathi, Administrative Officer * Dr. Ganesh Kamath, Senior Medical Officer * Rohini Rathnakar, Public Relations Officer and Head of Community ServicesUdupi’s Lombard Memorial Hospital has launched a unique green hospital project named ‘INSPIRE’. This initiative aims to reduce the hospital’s environmental footprint and promote sustainable healthcare practices. INSPIRE stands for Innovative Sustainable Practices Inspiring Responsible Environment. It encompasses various aspects of eco-friendly operations, including waste management, energy conservation, water conservation, and green procurement. The waste management system involves segregating waste at the source, with separate containers for recyclable, non-recyclable, and biomedical waste. The hospital has also partnered with a waste management company to ensure proper disposal and recycling. To conserve energy, the hospital has installed energy-efficient lighting systems, solar panels, and motion sensors. It has also adopted green building practices in its infrastructure, such as using materials with low environmental impact and optimizing natural light. Water conservation measures include rainwater harvesting, low-flow fixtures, and water-saving landscaping. The hospital has installed rainwater collection systems on its roof and uses it for non-potable purposes such as gardening and cleaning. In terms of green procurement, the hospital prioritizes purchasing products and materials that are eco-friendly and have a low carbon footprint. It collaborates with suppliers who have sustainable practices and certifications. The INSPIRE project involves all stakeholders, including staff, patients, and visitors. The hospital conducts awareness campaigns and workshops to educate them about the importance of environmental conservation. The launch of INSPIRE aligns with the hospital’s commitment to responsible healthcare and environmental stewardship. It aims to create a healthier and greener environment for patients, staff, and the community at large.


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