‘Campaigning’ class action law firm has extensive employment relationships – Guido Fawkes

Class Action Law Firm with Extensive Labour LinksClass Action Law Firm with Extensive Labour Links A Welsh acquaintance contacted Guido following his series on the impending class action lawsuit that would target British businesses on workplace matters. Notably, Welsh Labour leaders Vaughan Gething and Jo Stevens have worked for the very law firm bringing the lawsuit: Thompsons Solicitors. Thompsons Solicitors: A Political Force Thompsons Solicitors, known for their “campaigning” nature, has a long history of supporting Labour. Since 2001, they have donated over £200,000 to the party and its candidates. They claim to have “invented” class action lawsuits and advocate for “swift and aggressive legal action.” Former employees of Thompsons include far-left MPs Richard Burgon and Andy McDonald, as well as Labour’s deputy campaign co-ordinator Ellie Reeves. Labour’s Class Action Connections Thompsons is not the first class action company to be linked to Labour. Guido previously reported on Pogust Goodhead’s connections to the party. With British businesses facing threats under a Labour government, lobby firms are actively recruiting Labour researchers. This development poses a challenge for Conservative SpAds, who may struggle to compete with Labour’s close-knit network of supporters.

The class action law firm has extensive employment law connections

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A Welsh accomplice made contact after Guido’s series on the upcoming class action The wave would penetrate British companies below Work. Welsh Prime Minister of Labor, Vaughan Gething and Jo Stevens, the Shadow Secretary of State for Wales, both spent significant portions of their money working career at a time plaintiff law firm: Thompsons Solicitors. You can bet that if the two most senior Tory politicians in the The same class action company, The Guardian would now file a story about a web of intrigue…

Thompsons, a self-proclaimed “campaigning” law firm -WHO never act on behalf of employers or insurers – have donated more than £200,000 to Labour and its candidates since 2001. They also claim that they “invented the class action” lawsuit, pioneering it as a form of “swift and aggressive legal action.” The firm Also counts far-left MPs Richard Burgon and Andy McDonald among its former employees, as well as Labour’s deputy campaign co-ordinator and sister of the shadow chancellor, Ellie Reeves. Well connected…

Thompson may be the latest class action company you’ve been associated with Work, but they are certainly not the first – as Guido revealed with his reporting on Pogust Goodhead. With British business under threat in Starmer’s jurisdiction, it’s no wonder lobby firms are rushing to hire as many Labour researchers as possible. More bad news for Tory SpAds…


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