New soaker hoses installed at Logan and Cleveland Community Garden

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` Tags: These tags enclose the first paragraph of the article, which serves as an introductory statement and provides a brief overview of the Logan and Cleveland Community Garden. 2. “ Container for Image: This “ element contains the code for the featured image of the article, which shows a garden with raised planters. 3. Image Markup: Within the “ container, the `` tag specifies the source of the image, its dimensions, and relevant attributes like alternative text and title. 4. Image Caption: Following the `` tag, there’s a “ element that provides a caption for the image, describing what it shows and crediting the photographer. 5. Closing `

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` Tags: These tags enclose the second paragraph, which provides more specific details about the community garden, including a spring cleanup effort and the installation of an irrigation system. 7. Third Opening `

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` Tags: This paragraph introduces the upcoming projects for the garden and provides contact information for interested individuals. 8. Closing Tag for “ Container: This tag closes the “ container that contained the image and its caption. 9. Copyright Notice: The text “Copyright 2024 Humble Roots, LLC. All rights reserved” represents the copyright notice for the content. 10. Advertisement Placeholder: The “ with the class “td-a-rec” serves as a placeholder for an advertisement. Its contents are not specified in the provided code.

At the Logan and Cleveland Community Garden, water hoses were installed in the raised planters to water the flowering produce. Pictured are EJ and Draken Franks. (Sonya nail)

CULLMAN, AL – Since opening day of the season, the Logan and Cleveland Community Garden has been a hive of activity, with community gardeners, volunteers, and project managers working on various improvements and additions. Their efforts have greatly enhanced the beauty and functionality of the space. The garden, with its raised concrete planters, is a testament to their dedication and desire to test their green thumbs and see what their soil and elbow grease can produce.

In late April, the group met to do the annual spring cleanup of the area. Volunteers from Cullman County Master Gardeners and First United Methodist Church tackled the garden’s problem areas, pruning shrubs, trees and shrubs to perfection and pulling unsightly weeds from the beds to prepare them for the first planting of the year.

On Friday, June 28, the group met again, this time to install an irrigation system for the raised gardens.

On-Site Project Manager Sonya Nail encouraged attendance and participation, imploring all attendees to “bring the tools you have.”

Installing soaker hoses is a game-changer for the garden. These hoses ensure that the beds are evenly and consistently watered, a crucial factor for growing produce in the Alabama heat.

The next project for the Logan and Cleveland Community Garden has not yet been announced. However, gardeners and community members are welcome to contact Nail at 256-620-2675 for questions or more information.

The garden is located at Logan Street Southwest and Cleveland Avenue Southwest.

Copyright 2024 Humble Roots, LLC. All rights reserved.


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