Illegal migrant accused of raping teenage girl released on $500 bail


An illegal alien from Haiti accused of raping a 15-year-old girl at a migrant shelter in Massachusetts is back on the streets after being released on a paltry $500 bail.

Cory Alvarez was charged with rape in the March incident that occurred at the Comfort Inn on Hingham Street in Rockland, a city in Plymouth County. It sparked outrage over yet another example of the criminal element prevalent among Joe Biden’s “newcomers” who have crossed the border since he took office.

The 26-year-old accused rapist has been held without bail since his arrest. But earlier this week he was released by Plymouth County Superior Court despite a request from federal immigration officials to keep him in custody, according to the Boston Globe.

The Globe quoted a spokesperson for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as saying that court officials “declined to grant” the detention request “and released Alvarez from custody on a $500 bond” after a dangerousness hearing.

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Alvarez pleaded not guilty to charges of aggravated child rape and rape of a child by force during a May court hearing and is now free to potentially strike again. He allegedly lured the disabled teen to a room in the hotel and sexually assaulted her.

“He raped me. I asked him to leave me alone, but he didn’t stop,” the victim told police.

“We then requested that Alvarez be held on $10,000 bail with numerous conditions of release. The judge set bail at $500,” a spokesperson for the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office told the New York Post.

Alvarez was released on the condition that he submit to monitoring with an ankle bracelet, but ICE will not be able to track him because Boston is a sanctuary city where locals are not required to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. He is due back in court on August 13.

“Under Trial Court policy, employees are not permitted to detain anyone who would otherwise be entitled to release ‘solely on the basis of a civil immigration detention order or a civil immigration warrant,’ the Boston Globe reported .

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ICE officials expressed anger and dismay at the court’s decision, with one telling the New York Post that it is “standard Democratic bulls–t” that makes it “nearly impossible to do our job.”

“It is the dumba judges who are causing many of these problems by ignoring the root of the problem,” the unnamed source said. “California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts and other blue states are all doing this. When we do data checks on people from those states, they have policies in place to prevent information sharing.”

The accused rapist’s release is “emblematic” of “a troubling trend of inadequate and failed screening procedures,” according to former ICE field office director John Fabbricatore.

“This rushed process undermines the thorough checks typically conducted before granting parole or visas. The current administration’s haphazard approach raises significant security concerns for American citizens,” he told the New York Post. “In particular, this recent case involving an allegation of rape by a Haitian national admitted under Biden’s parole program highlights the ongoing problem. Furthermore, sanctuary cities’ policies continue to protect foreign-born criminals rather than protecting law-abiding, taxpaying citizens.”

The news comes amid several recent deadly incidents involving illegal immigrants, including the brutal rape and murder of a 12-year-old girl in Houston, Texas by two foreigners.


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Chris Donaldson Staff Writer

Chris Donaldson is an ordinary American concerned about rampant corruption and the continued attacks on our way of life by those who scorn our hard-earned freedoms. A Navy veteran, he is a regular contributor to conservative websites and lives in Florida.

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