Majority of young voters say it’s harder to buy a home and start a family: poll

Majority of Young Voters Say It’s Harder to Buy a House, Raise a Family, and Find a Good JobMajority of Young Voters Say It’s Harder to Buy a House, Raise a Family, and Find a Good Job By Miranda Nazzaro and De Heuvel 3 minutes ago A new poll reveals that the majority of voters under 30 believe it has become more difficult to achieve basic life milestones compared to previous generations. In a survey conducted by CBS News, 82% of respondents said they think it’s harder to buy a home than it was for previous generations, while 76% said the same about raising a family. This comes amid rising Federal Reserve interest rates and high inflation, which have made housing affordability a challenge for many Americans. About 70% of voters in the poll also stated that finding a good job is more difficult than in the past. Despite strong job numbers in recent months, young voters expressed concerns about the economy and the legacy that older generations are leaving behind. However, despite these challenges, 62% of voters under 30 remain optimistic about achieving the “American Dream.” While 32% believe they will not achieve it, 6% said they already have. The CBS News/YouGov survey was conducted among a sample of 2,460 adults, including an oversample of 743 adults ages 18 to 29. The overall sample has a margin of error of 2.8 percentage points, while the oversample has a margin of error of 5.2 points.

Miranda Nazzaro and De Heuvel

3 minutes ago

(The Hill) — According to a new poll, the majority of voters under 30 say it has become more difficult to buy a home, start a family and find a good job compared to previous generations.

In a survey published by CBS News, 82 percent of respondents said they think it’s harder to buy a home than it was for previous generations, while 76 percent said the same about raising a family.

This comes as Federal Reserve interest rates are at a 23-year high, making housing affordability still problematic for many Americans.

Inflation appears to have stagnated in recent months, having fallen dramatically from a peak of 9 percent two years ago. While this is good news, the Fed noted this month that the economy is still too hot, the labor market is still too strong and prices are still rising too fast to cut rates.

Mortgage rates continued to rise this spring, exceeding 7 percent for the first time this year last month.

About 70 percent of voters in the poll said it is harder to find a good job than in the past, even in the wake of recent strong job numbers. According to the May jobs report, payrolls rose by 272,000 and wage growth accelerated, reversing a three-month downward trend.

Combined with these challenges, the majority of voters under 30 believe older generations are leaving them with a poor environment, fewer opportunities and a more dangerous world, pollsters noted.

While young voters are overwhelmingly concerned about the current state of the world, most voters under 30 — 62 percent — are still optimistic about achieving the “American Dream.” Thirty-two percent said they won’t achieve it, while 6 percent said they already have.

The CBS News/YouGov survey was conducted June 17-24 among a sample of 2,460 adults, including an oversample of 743 adults ages 18 to 29. The overall sample has a margin of error of 2.8 percentage points, while the oversample has a margin of error of 5.2 points.



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