San Diego Struck by Mysterious Power Outage, Leaving 200,000 Residents in Darkness

San Diego Struck by Mysterious Power Outage, Plunging 200,000 Residents into DarknessSan Diego Struck by Mysterious Power Outage, Plunging 200,000 Residents into Darkness San Diego, California – A mysterious and widespread power outage has struck the city, plunging over 200,000 residents into darkness on Friday afternoon. The extent of the outage is still being assessed, but reports indicate that it affects multiple neighborhoods and is causing widespread disruption. According to the San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) utility, the outage began around 3:45 PM PST and has left over 200,000 customers without power. The affected areas include downtown San Diego, Hillcrest, North Park, University Heights, and portions of Mission Valley. The cause of the outage is currently unknown and SDG&E crews are actively working to restore power. Spokesperson for SDG&E, Helen Gao, stated that the utility is investigating the incident and will provide updates as they become available. “We apologize for the inconvenience that this power outage is causing to our customers,” said Gao. “We understand how frustrating it can be when you are without power, and we appreciate your patience as we work to restore service.” The outage has had a significant impact on residents and businesses in the affected areas. Traffic signals are out in multiple intersections, causing delays and congestion. Numerous stores, restaurants, and other establishments are closed or operating with limited services. Emergency services have been activated to respond to calls related to the outage. The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department reported receiving several calls for assistance, including one for an elevator entrapment. The outage is expected to be prolonged, with SDG&E estimating that power may not be restored until late Friday evening or early Saturday morning. The utility is urging residents to conserve energy and use flashlights or battery-powered lanterns for lighting. San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria issued a statement expressing his concern about the outage and urged residents to stay safe during the power disruption. “We are closely monitoring the situation and working with SDG&E to restore power as quickly as possible,” said Gloria. “In the meantime, I urge all residents to be patient and to take necessary precautions to stay informed and safe.” The power outage is a major inconvenience for residents and businesses in San Diego and the cause is still under investigation. SDG&E crews are actively working to restore power, but it may take several hours or even overnight for full service to be restored.


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