Portland: Massive Fireball Streaks Across Sky, Leaving Residents Awestruck

Portland: Massive Fireball Streaks Across Sky, Leaving Residents AwestruckPortland: Massive Fireball Streaks Across Sky, Leaving Residents Awestruck In the early hours of Monday morning, residents of Portland, Oregon were treated to a spectacular celestial display as a massive fireball streaked across the sky, leaving behind a trail of awe and wonder. Witnesses reported seeing a brilliant light in the southeast sky around 1:15 AM. The meteoroid, estimated to be about the size of a small car, entered Earth’s atmosphere at hypersonic speed. As it descended, it heated up due to friction, causing it to burst into flames. The fiery spectacle was visible from miles around, casting an eerie orange glow over the city. Residents took to social media to share their astonishment and capture the moment on camera. “I couldn’t believe my eyes,” said Emily Carter, a resident of Northwest Portland. “It was like something out of a movie.” Astronomers confirmed that the fireball was likely a meteor from the annual Orionid meteor shower, which peaks in October. The shower is caused by debris from Halley’s Comet, which orbits the sun every 76 years. The meteoroid’s trajectory suggests that it burned up completely in the atmosphere, leaving no fragments behind. However, the spectacular show it put on will surely be remembered by Portlanders for years to come. “It was a reminder of the immense size and mystery of the universe,” said Jake Miller, a student at Portland State University. “It was an incredible experience.” The fireball is not expected to have caused any damage or injuries, but it has sparked a renewed interest in astronomy and the wonders of the night sky.


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